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Episode 108: Gospel-Driven Ministry
On this week’s episode, Jared and Ronni discuss what exactly makes a ministry “gospel-driven,” as they dig into the substance and themes of Jared’s new book for pastors and aspiring pastors.
Take Up and Read, Take Up and Listen!
Series: Roles in Revelation
I have been a pastor for twenty-five years. That’s a lot of Bible reading and hearing. And I can’t wait for the next time my church gathers so we can read and hear the word together. I am fascinated by John’s emphasis on Revelation as Scripture and how he describes reading and hearing Scripture in […]
25 Quotes from *Friendship with the Friend of Sinners*
“The good news is, we aren’t high maintenance to Jesus.”
How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Step 9–Literary Context
As you examine your passage in view of the whole book, there are at least three areas you want to keep in mind: literary placement, literary function, and literary details.
Living By the Book
The word of God is sufficient for every season of life. This glorious theme is established in the opening stanza of Psalm 119, which teaches three aspects of living by the book.
Managing Things or Leading People
The subtlest and most detrimental leadership distraction in our day is the drift away from leadership itself.
Play Hard
In our play we create and imagine and therefore tap into the very creative heart of God.
What the Preacher Thinks of the Worship Leader
I took my seat as the service started, going through the mental checklist, making sure I prepared. Then my worship leader began the song, “God is Able" . . .
When The Pastoral Thrill Is Gone
Let the thrill of ministry die away, and seek the presence of the thrill-giver through communion, solitude, service, and contentment, and you will find a world of new thrills all the time.
The Life of Sons and Daughters
"The Christian life is the life of sons and daughters; it is not the life of slaves. It is freedom, not bondage. Of course, we are slaves of God, of Christ, and of one another. We belong to God, to Christ, to one another, and we love to serve those to whom we belong. But […]