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Jan 3

Unraveling the Riddle of Rejoicing Always by Joe Allen

Some Bible verses lend themselves quite well to becoming a tweet, a “life verse,” or the inside of a greeting card. But when we read the Bible looking for catchphrases and mottos, we risk mangling the meaning of the Bible and invariably miss out on important truths. Two verses in particular have become slogans for […]

Sep 7

FTC Preaching Guide: Judges by Benjamin Vrbicek

For those willing to break a sweat and endure some soreness, the vistas that open in the book of Judges are just as fearfully and wonderfully made—you just might have to wade through a swamp or hack through a jungle before you can see them.

Apr 2

Grieving Deeply with Faith: Not a Contradiction by David Prince

The safest place for our faith while hurting is in the hands of our faithful Creator.

Nov 22

A Call for Patient Evangelism by Caleb Greggsen

Do you find yourself chasing after silver-bullet plans to bring people into your doors? 
