Links For The Church (1/18)

 January 18, 2021

The Grace of Comparison

Abigail Dodds writes about the temptation toward comparison. It can be a good and right thing for us to do in some circumstance, but dangerous in others.

How To Pray For Our Political Leaders

By walking through Isaiah 40, Jesse Johnson shares five practical ways we can pray for our political leaders when we are unsure how to pray.

Ministry With, Not Merely To

“As a pastor, I’m blessed to minister with a number of friends with developmental disabilities. I’m grateful for parents and family members who help us understand how best to minister together.”

We Believe: The Story of the Apostles’ Creed

Brian Hanson provides historical background for the Apostles’ Creed and writes on how this statement shapes our fight against heresy and toward faith.

What We’ve Lost by Over-sexualizing Male Friendship

Friendships between men can often be misunderstood or misrepresented by our hyper-sexualized world. Wyatt Graham writes about what is lost when male friendships are not full of affection and care like Jesus had for his friends.