Links For The Church (8/24)

by Staff August 24, 2020

12 Reasons You Might Not Feel Like Going to Church

This diagnostic list provides some helpful tests for why someone might not want to go to church. David Gundersen gives us these 12 things to help us discern what might be going on in our hearts.

Has our Boldness in Approaching God turned into Brazenness?

Susan Narjala writes about our approach to God. We may enter his presence thinking we need to have it all buttoned up, but Susan challenges this with helpful truth.

The Proper Response To God’s Gifts Is To Enjoy Them

We may be tempted toward guilt when we enjoy one of God’s gifts to us. But instead, “He takes pleasure in our taking pleasure in the good gifts he gives to us. That is, after all, why he gives us good gifts.”

Woe Is Me: The Sin of Self-Pity and How To Be Free

“Our own pity for ourselves may conjure up some sympathy from sympathizers, especially those prone to feeling sorry for others. But it cannot ultimately do anything beyond feeling badly.” – Abigail Dodds