Discerning Your Call to Ministry
If you are considering the ministry, there are two mistakes you must avoid. The first is taking up a calling that isn’t yours. The second is neglecting one that is. Discerning Your Call to Ministry will help you know the difference. A tool for seminary students, pastors-in-training, and even current pastors, it serves to confirm or prompt deep thought about the calling to ministry through 10 probing questions, including: Do you desire the ministry? Does your church affirm your calling? and more.
Has God Called You to the Ministry?
I well remember the swirling emotions that filled my heart as I processed God’s call to the ministry. Though I grew up in a Bible-believing, Southern Baptist church, I resisted the gospel throughout my childhood and adolescent years. It was not until my freshman year in college that I committed my life to Christ. After […]
The Gospel And Your Work
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” That question, which is so common today, would be shockingly irrelevant for the vast majority of humans who have ever lived. In the premodern world, one’s work usually was not a matter of choice. It was essential to one’s identity. It was more a matter […]
Succeeding at Seminary: 12 Keys to Getting the Most Out of Your Theological Education
Seminary is an important step toward ministry—but only when you make the most of it. Seminary can offer the opportunities and education you need to flourish in ministry, but only if you are ready to make the most of it. With Succeeding at Seminary, you’ll get the guidance and encouragement you need to maximize your seminary opportunity and excel in your calling.
Is Your Household in Order?
Whether we like it or not, the pastor is not an autonomous agent, hired by the church without consideration of his family status. If a church is willing to do that, they merely want a church mascot, not someone to fulfill the full calling of pastoral ministry. The New Testament picture of the pastor is much more inclusive and robust.