Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


The Lord and Literature

The Lord and Literature series is a collection of articles and resources which work at the intersection of theology, Christian living, and literature. Our hope with this niche series is to leverage the beauty and power of great novels and poetry to turn our gaze towards the grandeur and grace of our triune God.

Jun 27

Human Cruelty and the Compassion of God by Grace Pike

Series: The Lord and Literature

This summer, I finally decided to open a book my mom gifted me last year called Where the Crawdads Sing. Since it is one of the best-selling books of all time and has a theater debut in July, it went from the bottom of my bookshelf to the top of my summer fiction reading list. […]

Dec 21

In the Fog, There are Tidings of Comfort and Joy by Jason G. Duesing

Series: The Lord and Literature

Yet, though already reigning King, Jesus will come again to rule and reign in full. Into our world of darkness of fog, he will return and dwell with us and reign over us.

Nov 18

A Reflection on Kindness from Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See by Grace Pike

Series: The Lord and Literature

True strength is not found in the gritting of teeth or clenching of fists, but in the willingness to lay down at the foot of the cross and trust God as we choose the course of kindness.

Oct 21

Dune: A Reflection by Daniel Sylvester

Series: The Lord and Literature

It’s actually a huge grace for God to allow his children to experience fear – otherwise we might be overwhelmingly passionless, stupidly courageous, proud, and arrogant. 

Aug 30

An Encouragement for Your Theological Journey from Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations by Ronni Kurtz

Series: The Lord and Literature

You’re not responsible for understanding all the depths of theology today; you’re called to simply be intellectually faithful.

Aug 23

Guilt and Grace Met Together: A Reflection on Jack by Marilynne Robinson by Allyson Howell (Todd)

Series: The Lord and Literature

If grace gives a kind word or a gentle smile, we would certainly be smitten. But if grace did something more, something unheard of, we would certainly be in love. 

Aug 9

Dignity and Despair: A Reaction to Steinbeck’s East of Eden by Ethan Collins

Series: The Lord and Literature

He could take away the gift of choice and rid His creation of both dignity and despair. But instead, He demonstrated love in its highest form.

Jul 6

At the Feet of the Fake: What Fiction Can Teach Us About Theological Interpretation by Ronni Kurtz

Series: The Lord and Literature

The novelist can instruct the theological reader about the inherit relationship between the ontology and functionality of a piece of literature.

May 18

Love People, Not the Idea of People: A Lesson from Ivan Karamazov by Ronni Kurtz

Series: The Lord and Literature

Christ’s cosmic display of love—the redemption of sinners—is not the tale of love in general.

Apr 16

The Silver Chair and the Solas by Jason G. Duesing

Series: The Lord and Literature

For those of us living in the twenty-first century, how one understands the relationship of their faith in Christ and their obedience to Christ makes all the difference for living a life of joy and God-glorifying freedom.