Resource Library

Jan 8

Episode 297: Contentment by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

How is contentment a superpower? And how do you get it? In this episode of the FTC Podcast, Jared and Ross discuss the strangeness of contentment in a discontented world.

Jan 2

Episode 14: Service by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. If pastors mean to reflect the heart of the Good Shepherd, they will pursue a servant’s heart. But we find this pursuit frustrated by our own laziness, a sense of entitlement, or even others’ presuming upon our service. How can we push through these frustrations and develop a vision for open-hearted caretaking of others? In this final episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin commend the wisdom practice of Christlike service.

Jan 1

Episode 296: New Year Episode by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

Another year older and deeper in . . . gratitude? Jared and Ross celebrate the new year by reminiscing on the year past and encouraging others to make 2025 a year of renewed focus.

Dec 26

Episode 13: Encouragement by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

Pastors constantly operate in an encouragement deficit. The practice of encouragement gives life. But so many ministers are drowning in criticism or just general disappointment. How can we become better encouragers of others when we receive so little of it ourselves? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin share some encouraging insights about encouragement! This wisdom practice can revolutionize our lives and enliven our ministries.

Dec 25

Episode 295: The Annual Christmas Episode by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The annual Christmas episode is here! And in our annual podcast tradition, Mr. Christmas himself — Ronnie Martin — is joining Jared again to fill your hearts with holiday cheer. On this year’s special episode, Jared and Ronnie talk about their favorite “snapshots” of Christmas past and discuss the delight (and the downside) of the ideal Christmas.

Dec 19

9 Ways to Help Those Who Are Suffering by Caleb Davis

In the past month, what have you heard from those you love? Divorce, loneliness, layoffs, cancer, parenting struggles, disappointment, betrayal, conflict? Everyone we love will hurt and suffer. While we feel compassion, we often find ourselves at a loss for what to do. Whether it’s a struggling spouse, a grieving friend, or a hurting member […]

Dec 19

Ep 12: Recreation by Jared C. Wilson and Ronnie Martin

The Lord has made us not simply to work, but to play. He has given us talents and taste buds, interests and abilities, wonder and “wirings”—all to help us enjoy his common grace and glorify him in that enjoyment. But how do we devote good time to hobbies and interests without feeling guilty, or letting them overrule our life? In this episode, Jared Wilson and Ronnie Martin have a lively conversation about the surprising wisdom practice of recreation.

Dec 18

What Seminary Degree Do I Get if I Don’t Know What the Future Holds? by Thor Madsen

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on on May 28, 2019. In the spring of 1987, I visited Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, mostly to investigate the campus and its immediate surroundings. I had already decided to pursue graduate study at TEDS based on a family connection to this school, but I knew almost […]

Dec 18

Episode 294: FTC Mailbag by Jared C. Wilson and Ross Ferguson

It’s another installment in the FTC Mailbag feature, where Jared and Ross answer listener-submitted questions. This week’s topics include evangelizing the comfortable, the difference between preaching and teaching, leaving churches with shallow preaching, divisive church members, chemistry on the elder board, and the structure of pastoral residencies.

Dec 17

Postmodernism and the Gospel by W. Tyler Sykora

Editor’s note: This article is part of a two-part series titled “How to Evangelize Postmodernists.” Part one is available here. How Should We Evaluate Postmodern Beliefs from a Christian Perspective? What is a faithful and biblical response to postmodernism? In this next section, we will overview some basic responses to postmodern beliefs. Then, in the […]
