Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Pastoral Ministry Collection

The For the Church editorial team has pulled a series of articles designed to encourage, edify, and equip pastors in their calling. Pastoral ministry is increasingly difficult in our culture, but the calling to ministry is a glorious one. Our hope and prayer is that these articles help encourage the called and sustain pastors as they faithfully serve the local church.

Mar 19

Surrender to Ministry by Jason Dees

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

When I was a kid growing up in church, it was common to hear someone say, “I surrendered to ministry in 1968,” or, “It was on a Sunday night that I surrendered to ministry.” You don’t hear that kind of language much anymore—the word surrender. But it’s actually an incredibly powerful idea. It doesn’t mean […]

Mar 5

Pastoral Ministry and Christian Progress by Samuel Hood

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Our Struggle with Progress I’m coming up on two years in pastoral ministry. Although I’ve not spent much time in pastoral ministry, I’ve come to realize something—there is importance in progress. Waiting patiently for God to do His work in His people is more important than seeing someone change overnight. Looking for a quick fix […]

Oct 31

5 Reasons I Love Being a Pastor by Tim Counts

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Being a pastor is difficult. I remember my mentor in ministry telling me when I was in my early twenties that if I could do anything else, I should do that. He warned me there would be days that I wished I was working in any other sort of job. He was right. But I […]

Oct 28

Pastoring People Through Slow Change by Dave Harvey

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Pastoring people is a slow, long-haul process. As church planters and pastors in established churches, we are called to lead people who are under construction. Unfortunately, until Christ returns, we don’t get to experience heaven here on earth. All people, pastors included, deal with the effects of indwelling sin on a daily basis. This means, […]

Oct 25

Union with Christ: The Gift of a “New Me” by Kyle Worley

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Editor’s note: The following is excerpted with permission from Home with God: Our Union with Christ by Kyle Worley. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available for pre-order from B&H Publishing and wherever books are sold. A well-wrapped gift creates curiosity, doesn’t it? Sitting under a Christmas tree or at a table next to a birthday cake, children […]

Oct 22

Preaching Christ for Conversions by Doug Logan and J.A. Medders

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Editor’s note: This extract is taken from The Soul-Winning Church: Six Keys to Fostering a Genuine Evangelistic Culture by Doug Logan, Jr. and J.A. Medders, published by The Good Book Company, and is used by kind permission. www.thegoodbook.com We know salvation belongs to the Lord and that the Spirit moves where he wishes. Yet there […]

Oct 17

The Lord Working with Them by Charles Spurgeon

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

“And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs.” Mark 16:20 I like the thought of Christ being taken up to heaven because His work was done, and His people being left on earth because there was still work for them to do. If […]

Oct 9

6 Characteristics of a Successful Pastorate by Allen Nelson

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

James Petigru Boyce (1827–1888) is a name all Southern Baptists should be familiar with. Not only was he elected president of the SBC nine (yes, nine) times, he also almost single-handedly (in some regards) founded and helped keep the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary afloat during its early years. Dr. Tom Nettles, in his biography of […]

Oct 4

5 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor by Parker Smith

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Editor’s Note: To celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month this October, enter your pastor to win a $10,000 Pastor Appreciation Package dedicated to a need in your church and a vacation for him and his family. Everyone who enters will receive an exclusive eBook from Charles Spurgeon for FREE. You can also submit a note of encouragement […]

Oct 1

Why I Admire Pastors and You Should Too by Jason K. Allen

Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection

Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, was one of the greatest elected officials in our nation’s history and one of the greatest leaders the world has ever known. He was a tsunami of energy, one who never saw a mountain too tall to scale or a fight too threatening to join. He […]