Written as private prayers or devotional exercises, Charles Spurgeon's book Christ Our All expresses his sorrows, hopes, and love for God with striking imagery and bold conviction. Access the eBook version of Spurgeon's Christ Our All for free during Midwestern Seminary's Called Month!


Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

Mar 16

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as Loss (Part 3) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

We should allow ourselves to lament the loss that comes with unwanted singleness. Lament is the way God has designed for us to process pain, and lament is also a doorway to wisdom.

Mar 9

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as a Trial (Part 2) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

Seeing unwanted singleness as a trial also helps those in the body of Christ truly relate to one another–not based on the uniqueness of our trial, but on our common experience of various trials.

Mar 2

Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness: Singleness as a Gift (Part 1) by Kari Kurz

Series: Wisdom for Unwanted Singleness

Christians believe that everything in our lives come to us from the hand of God, including the things we don’t want. So, if we have singleness when what we actually desire is marriage, we have a trial – a particular kind of gift.