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Andy Sabaka

Andy Sabaka has been the pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Louisville, Kentucky since May of 2011. He is a graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Moody Bible Institute. He and his wife, Andrea, have five children, which may be why he only sporadically tweets at @AndySabaka.

Mar 16

Learning From Lifetimes of Experience by Andy Sabaka

God’s Word is able to comfort and counsel without lecturing because it flows from people’s real life experience, not their bare philosophical reflections. 

Feb 15

God Still Seeks Wandering Fools by Andy Sabaka

The incarnation glorifies the extent to which God would go to seek out those who were running from him.

Oct 25

Imperfect Pens and Pastors by Andy Sabaka

Not once has God ever picked up a perfect church led by a perfect pastor to write his continuing story of redemption.