Ben Mandrell on Kindness Worth Fighting For asks Ben Mandrell, President and CEO of Lifeway, “Why is kindness a virtue worth fighting for?”
Ben Mandrell on Advice for Pastors on the Verge of Burnout asks Ben Mandrell, president of Lifeway Christian Resources, “What advice would you give to a pastor who is on the verge of burnout?”
4 Unmet Emotional Needs of Pastors: Rest
In my experience, most pastors get a D- in the rest category. I address this subject with fear and trepidation, hoping my wife doesn’t actually read it. She knows I’m a high-intensity person who struggles with “turning it off.” I wish I could say that zeal for the glory of God is what drives me, […]
Ben Mandrell on Common Mistakes Leaders Should Avoid When Taking on a New Role asks Ben Mandrell, president of Lifeway Christian Resources, “When taking over a new ministry or business venture, what are common mistakes Christian leaders should try to avoid?”
4 Unmet Emotional Needs of Pastors: Friendship
Confession: This article is written by a man with a lifelong addiction to achievement. Prioritizing friendship has never been my strong suit. In the 5th grade, I discovered that straight A’s were a surefire way to separate myself from the pack, to get ahead and to chase a dream. While my passion for learning has […]
4 Unmet Emotional Needs of Pastors: Part 1 — Feeling Adequate
No leader is an island and we all need to draw from the well of others.