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Brandon D. Crowe

Brandon Crowe (PhD, Edinburgh) is associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary and book review editor for the Westminster Theological Journal. Dr. Crowe is the author of The Hope of Israel: The Resurrection of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles , The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption, and Last Adam: A Theology of the Obedient Life of Jesus in the Gospels. And in 2012, his dissertation was published and is entitled, The Obedient Son: Deuteronomy and Christology in the Gospel of Matthew.

Sep 9

The Resurrection as a Landmark in Acts by Brandon D. Crowe

There is much more to Acts than only the resurrection of Christ. But the resurrection is indeed one of Luke’s key emphases, and we do well to reflect on its wide-ranging significance.