What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Brian Davis

Brian Davis lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Sonia, and their two sons, Spurgeon and Sibbes. He is part of the church planting team for Risen Christ Fellowship. 

Feb 20

How to Do Ministry When You Don�t Have Money by Brian Davis

If you grumble in your lack, your heart posture may not be service for Jesus but an inordinate affection for money.

Feb 20

How to Do Ministry When You Don’t Have Money by Brian Davis

If you grumble in your lack, your heart posture may not be service for Jesus but an inordinate affection for money.

May 31

The Dangerous Allure of Being a Cultural Warrior by Brian Davis

In disregarding the total authority of the Word of God, people seek to take the throne of authority themselves