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C. J. Moore

C.J. Moore is a Pastoral Resident at Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, MO, a Ph.D. student in Missiology at Midwestern Seminary, and a Mobilizer with the International Mission Board. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from Mississippi State. Prior to living in Kansas City, he served in student ministry for over five years in Mississippi. He has been married to his wife, Cassandra, since April of 2014. You can connect with him on Twitter at @cmoore323.

Jul 15

Returning to ‘Normal’: The Gift of Harmonious Living by C. J. Moore

Harmonious living is “good and pleasant” because it makes us holy.

Aug 13

Andrew Fuller and the Genesis of Modern Missions by C. J. Moore

Fuller is proof that one can both believe in God’s sovereignty and God’s call to live missionally.

Mar 15

Church Discipline: Done for the Self-Loving Lord by C. J. Moore

Though God surely loves you and me, there is someone He loves even more: Himself.

Nov 1

Won�t You Be My (Muslim) Neighbor? by C. J. Moore

Muslims in our country and abroad need the gospel of Christ. We need to preach it to them; we need to be their neighbors in the utmost way. This is exactly what Micah Fries and Keith Whitfield seek to show in their edited work, Islam and North America: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors.

Nov 1

Won’t You Be My (Muslim) Neighbor? by C. J. Moore

Muslims in our country and abroad need the gospel of Christ. We need to preach it to them; we need to be their neighbors in the utmost way. This is exactly what Micah Fries and Keith Whitfield seek to show in their edited work, Islam and North America: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors.

Oct 25

From the Mundane to Martyrdom by C. J. Moore

By and large, you’d be hard-pressed to find a missionary who used his last words to show regret. 

Jul 4

The Most Comfortable Place on Earth by C. J. Moore

One day, Christian, “getting out of your comfort zone” will no longer be required. It won’t even be a possibility!

Mar 14

The Big Brother In Us by C. J. Moore

If you opt out of being vulnerable with your sin and prefer instead to convey a sense of perfection with your life, there’s likely a legalistic spirit that needs to be killed.

Sep 13

The Unspiritual Boldness of White Supremacy by C. J. Moore

But the shame is in the fact that they, in many ways, show more faith in their beliefs than I do.