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Caleb Greggsen

Caleb grew up in Central Asia, Europe, and Australia. He earned his MDiv from Southern Seminary. He is involved in local church ministry in the Middle East.

Jan 18

Never Underestimate the Value of Ordinary, Brief, Christian Conversations by Caleb Greggsen

The Lord uses more than the scheduled events, the carefully planned sessions, and the lovingly crafted sermons. He’s also ordained ordinary Christian speech as a means to maturity in Christ.

Apr 13

A Strict But Clear Definition of the Church Brings Freedom by Caleb Greggsen

A strict and clear definition of ‘church’ guards against mission creep, cultural and non-biblical norms, and unnecessary discouragement.

Jan 5

Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work by Caleb Greggsen and Sam Emadi

Evangelism isn’t just for the “professionals”—pastors, ministers, Bible teachers, and all the rest.

Nov 22

A Call for Patient Evangelism by Caleb Greggsen

Do you find yourself chasing after silver-bullet plans to bring people into your doors? 

Apr 24

You Can’t Love Missions Without Loving the Local Church by Caleb Greggsen

Imagine what could happen if your church started sending overseas those members who love and serve the church best.

Apr 12

Pastor, Defend Christian Liberty by Caleb Greggsen

Defend your people’s freedom in Christ with your life if necessary. But do not impinge on their freedom, even if you think it’s for their own good.