Christine Hoover on Social Media and “Being Real”
FTC.co asked Christine Hoover, author and pastor’s wife, “In an age of Instagram and Photoshop, why should we not be afraid to be real?”
Christine Hoover on What the Average Churchgoer Doesn’t Understand About Their Pastor
What does the average churchgoer not understand about their pastor?
Christine Hoover on Encouragement for Pastor’s Wives
Series: Conversations
What is the one thing you would say to encourage the pastor’s wife?
Christine Hoover On Churches Remembering Pastor’s Wives
What are some important things for churches to remember about pastors’ wives?
Christine Hoover on Pastors’ Wives & Congregations
Series: Conversations
What are some important things for pastors’ wives to remember about congregations?
Christine Hoover on Christian Friendships
Series: Conversations
How are Christian friendships different?
Christine Hoover on What Average Churchgoers May Not Understand About Their Pastor
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks author and pastor's wife, Christine Hoover, "What does the average churchgoer not understand about the pastor?"
From Complainers to Rejoicers
We are to handle our disagreements with humility, not with even an ounce of grumbling or quarreling.
Christine Hoover on Why We Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Be Real
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Christine Hoover, author and pastor's wife, "In an age of Instagram and Photoshop, why should we not be afraid to be real?"