D.A. Horton on the Importance of Reaching College Students
Why should ministries concern themselves with reaching college students?

D. A. Horton on Winning Your Church to Mission
Series: Conversations
How does a pastor win his church to mission?

D.A. Horton on Churches Looking Like Their Neighborhoods
Series: Conversations
We sat down with D.A. Horton in the FTC video suite and asked, "What advice would you give the pastor who wants his church to look like his neighborhood?"

D.A. Horton on Winning a Church to Mission
Series: Conversations
We recently sat down with D.A. Horton in the FTC video suite and asked him, "How can a pastor win his church to mission?"

The Blessings of Bivocational Ministry
Starting out bivocational for a season may provide your church with the stability you need to have a long lasting impact in the city God has called you to.

4 Qualities of a Legacy Leader
In your moments of frustration, it's easy to give in to the assumptions of your flesh and think that the majority of those who are looking at you are hecklers, when in reality they’re not. I’m convinced that its in those moments that God is building up legacy leaders in our city's churches. Legacy leaders are those men who God provides a unique measure of grace to weather many storms in order to not only start faithfully but to finish strong.