The Gospel Never Does Nothing
God works in ways we can’t understand. The one thing we can be sure of, always, is that he works. He never does nothing. That’s good news.

Valentine’s Day Meditation
God is love. I am not love. I love, but I’m not Love. But God is. So, on Valentine’s Day, if we want love, we have to raise our sights to him.

The Bible Warned Us About This
There is only one hero. Others may good models in some areas, maybe even in most areas, but all but Christ are fallen.

What’s in a Name?
In Genesis 17, God did something new in Abram’s life. He changed his name. Abram had 99 problems, but a name wasn’t one.

How to Encourage Your Pastor
Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection
Trust that your pastor is following Jesus closely enough that you can trust him.

My Only Comfort
My back hurts almost all the time now. It starts when I wake up. I turn on my left side to stop the alarm from waking my wife and notice the slight twinge of discomfort. If I am not careful, laying there on my pillow with my head tilted the wrong way will prepare me […]

The True and Better Leonardo
Series: Beholding and Becoming
Just as a Leonardo worked on the Mona Lisa (and, in fact, many of his other paintings—he was a meticulous procrastinator and denier of deadlines), so too is God working on us all our lives.

Human Kind Cannot Bear Very Much Reality
This real world is the one to which Jesus came. Jesus entered our humanity. He became one of us, taking on flesh and blood, partaking of the same things as you and me.

Just Keep Going
If anyone knew what it meant to grow weary of doing good, it was the Apostle Paul. So how can he say flatly, “Let us not grow weary of doing good”? What kept him going?

The Necessity of Friendship
Series: Beholding and Becoming
Lewis is right. We don’t need friends. But his point is just the opposite: we actually do. Friends are the most wonderfully unnecessary necessity.