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Davy Ellison

Dr. Davy Ellison is the Director of Training at Irish Baptist College, elder at Antrim Baptist Church, and author of Five: The Solas of the Reformation, Meekness and Majesty, and Raised According to the Scriptures: Easter in the Old Testament. His writing has also appeared at The Gospel Coalition, Evangelicals Now, 9Marks, and Themelios. He and his wife, Tracy, live in Northern Ireland.

Jun 10

Unstoppable: Fuel for Service from Isaiah 40 by Davy Ellison

My wife, Tracy, and I had spent all day on a bus. We had just arrived in a rural town; we stepped off the bus into the pitch black; we weren’t completely sure which way we should be walking. But we could hear it. We didn’t know which direction the sound was coming from. We […]

Dec 1

Finding Important What Jesus Finds Important by Davy Ellison

What’s important to Jesus? This is the question I asked recently at a men’s breakfast in my church. The men willingly offered a variety of solid biblical answers: the church, love, truth, individual Christians, evangelism, prayer, outcasts, and a host of other answers. In the days leading up to this event I had been reading […]

Jul 12

In the Depths? Help from Jonah 2 by Davy Ellison

A single image, from my first few visits to London, is impressed on my mind: the view from the top of an escalator in the larger Underground Tube stations. I remember standing looking at this enormous moving stairway, tilted at a frightening angle, inching slowly but steadily into the depths of London’s underground. Imagine gazing […]

Mar 18

This is Meekness by Davy Ellison

In a true knowledge of our standing before God we possess an inner strength that enables us to act for the benefit of others, even at our own expense.