Leaving Christianity: How an Old Man Helped Save My Faith
When I was in 10th grade, the Power Team came to my church. They were a group of powerlifting Christians who went around from mega-church to mega-church, lifting weights and smashing bricks in order to bring “glory to Jesus.” I was excited to see them “perform/preach,” but I was mostly excited that my friends and […]
Leaving Christianity
I was the kid who always kept his nose clean, had his act together, and tried to do the right thing. Why wasn’t I prospering?
The Pastor�s Burden
The fact that people are willing to open up their lives to you in their most vulnerable and intimate moments is the true gift of pastoral ministry, and it is also the true burden.
The Pastor’s Burden
The fact that people are willing to open up their lives to you in their most vulnerable and intimate moments is the true gift of pastoral ministry, and it is also the true burden.