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Jeff Lawrence

Jeff D. Lawrence, a Regular Contributor to For The Church, is church planter and pastor of Redemption Church in Edmond, Oklahoma (redemptionokc.com). Jeff and his wife, Nan, have four children, Mike, Luke, Jake, and Kate. You can connect with Jeff Twitter at @jeffdlawrence or via his blog at jeffdlawrence.com.

Aug 24

You Have Not Been Overlooked by Jeff Lawrence

In Acts, the disciples set the criteria for who would be chosen, and they land on two possible candidates: Joseph and Matthias. They cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias. This, of course, had to be a downer to Joseph.

Jun 8

Preaching Like A Boy Band Trying To Play The Blues by Jeff Lawrence

When we preach in our own strength, it is easy to come off like a boy band in a self-focused, over-choreographed performance. But if we pretend to have it all together, we rob our people of the comfort of the gospel.

Jun 3

Church Planter, Act Your Age by Jeff Lawrence

We miss out when we fail to act our age. So, take a long range perspective of your church’s journey, and fight for the joy of this particular season in the life of your church.

May 7

Why Plant a New Church in the Bible Belt? by Jeff Lawrence

I heard it again. This time from a pastor who remarked that we don’t need church plants because we have great churches here. This wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this claim, and it won’t be the last. It’s a good reminder that we must continually cast the vision for why new churches are needed in the Bible Belt.