Honoring Those We Disagree With
In our post-Christian culture, Christians sometimes get caught up in playing too nice with ideas, out of a desire to play nice with people.

The Christmas Story in a #MeToo Age
This culture of abusive authority makes the Advent season all the more a breath of fresh air.

Don’t Apologize For The Bible
Know the Scriptures and the power of God, and trust that God to reveal his beauty to those you are witnessing to.

Don�t Apologize For The Bible
Know the Scriptures and the power of God, and trust that God to reveal his beauty to those you are witnessing to.

Skeptics Don’t Hum
The wonders of God are inexhaustible and unsearchable, but are within our reach to enjoy.

The Pastor and His Words at Home
I carefully study, edit, prepare, and pray over my sermon every week. What would it look like to prepare and pray about the words I speak at home?

Emotional Intimacy
Being safe emotionally is the thing that all other things in a marriage depend on.

Leading Through Change
You could completely bomb this change challenge that’s before you. I mean fall-on-your-face fail. And God’s love for you will not change.

On Hard Work, Prayer, and Grace
Jesus’ sinlessness and corresponding righteousness mean he never wasted a second in disobedience outside of God’s decreed will.

10 Signs You Are Burning Out
We are holistic beings who need holistic rest.