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Joe Allen

Dr. Joe M. Allen III serves as Assistant Professor of Missions at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Prior to serving at Midwestern, Joe served on the mission field in overseas contexts for over a decade. Allen is the author of a series of theology books for kids called “Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers,” which includes The Trinity, The Gospel, The Scripture, and The Mission. Joe, his wife, Christy, and their two children reside in Kansas City, Missouri.

Jul 30

The Relationship of Theology, Worship, and Missions by Joe Allen

The missionary imperative springs from the recognition that God’s glory is of such beauty and grandeur that all the nations of the world must know and worship Him. On the one hand, good theology undergirds the gospel and feeds authentic worship, which drives missions. On the other hand, bad theology and false teaching misrepresent God, […]

Jun 28

The Biblical Language of Missions by Joe Allen

As you have read through your Bible, maybe you have wondered, “Why is no one called a missionary in the New Testament?” There are pastors and elders, apostles and evangelists, prophets and priests, but where are the missionaries? Indeed, you may have noticed that the word “mission” does not even appear in your English Bible. […]

Jun 4

Prayer and Evangelism Reinforce One Another by Joe Allen

Editor’s Note: The following excerpt is by Joe M. Allen III, published with permission from Before You Go: Wisdom From 10 Men on Serving Internationally, edited by Matthew Bennett and Joshua Bowman. Copyright 2024, B&H Publishing. Available now from B&H and wherever Christian books are sold. Prayer and evangelism go together like chocolate and peanut […]

Apr 25

The Mission of God by Joe Allen

Mission is all about God. At Midwestern, we emphasize the study of who God is (theology) and what God does (mission). Good theology is crucial to missiology because the mission begins and ends with God.[1] The one true God has one unified mission, and each person of the Triune God distinctively carries out this mission […]

Jan 3

Unraveling the Riddle of Rejoicing Always by Joe Allen

Some Bible verses lend themselves quite well to becoming a tweet, a “life verse,” or the inside of a greeting card. But when we read the Bible looking for catchphrases and mottos, we risk mangling the meaning of the Bible and invariably miss out on important truths. Two verses in particular have become slogans for […]

Dec 14

Getting Started with Gospel Conversations by Joe Allen

The gospel message is good, and faithful Christians long for those around them to hear it and believe, but moving from surface-level topics to the gospel often seems like a daunting task.