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Joel Littlefield

Joel Littlefield is the Pastor of New City Church in Bath, Maine and a church planter for the North American Mission Board (NAMB). He is married to Callie, and they have four children: Micah, Nathanael, Aliyah and Henley.

Nov 15

When It’s Hard to Be a Patient Parent by Joel Littlefield

What if the bigger issue in having your kids obey isn't their obedience, but rather, is your patience with them?

Oct 27

Love People More Than Your Country by Joel Littlefield

In light of the bigger picture of the Gospel, whether someone stands, sits, or kneels is really no matter to a disciple of Jesus.

Oct 13

Jesus Was A Disciple Maker, What About You? by Joel Littlefield

Placing your faith in Jesus, who saves, is to place your life in the hands of the One wants to use you as a witness for His glory.

Oct 11

He Remains Faithful by Joel Littlefield

In every area of life that faithfulness really matters to us Jesus is our greatest example. 

Aug 31

Church Planting: A Shaping Matter by Joel Littlefield

Church planting reminds us that we are feeble, weak creatures, but we are banking on the words which Jesus spoke to His disciples and to us – "I am with you always."

Aug 16

3 Things I Know About Church Planting by Joel Littlefield

There’s so much that I do not know about planting a church. But those things I do, I will commit to with all the heart and passion which I can muster and which the Spirit so graciously supplies.

Aug 3

Faith That Affects Our Children by Joel Littlefield

I want my children to understand that the gospel of Jesus and the spread of that message is the most important thing on earth.

Jun 5

The Devil and the Dunk Tank by Joel Littlefield

The Word tells us to be sober – to have a clear mind going in – so that when the taunting from the enemy comes, we will be ready.

May 15

Aren’t There Already Enough Churches? by Joel Littlefield

Some ask, "Do we really need another church?" The better question is, "Are there still lost people in our communities?"

May 15

Aren�t There Already Enough Churches? by Joel Littlefield

Some ask, "Do we really need another church?" The better question is, "Are there still lost people in our communities?"