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John Beeson

John Beeson is the Associate Teaching Pastor at New Life Bible Fellowship and has served as a pastor for eleven years, first in Princeton, New Jersey and currently in Tucson, Arizona. He blogs at The Bee Hive and has also been published at The Gospel Coalition and Preach It, Teach It. John is married to Angel, who serves as a Biblical counselor, and they have two children.

Oct 25

What Spooks You? by John Beeson

If we do not know Christ, there is something we ought to be afraid of. But it isn’t the ghoulish creatures of our horror films.

Dec 11

Grumbling to Gratitude by John Beeson

To grumble is to leak darkness when we were made to shine.

Jun 11

Breaking the Power of Shame by John Beeson

Ashamed friend: look to the shamed one on the cross and know his shame was for you. His shame was so that you might not be ashamed, that his welcome would overcome the world’s rejection.

Feb 17

The Tears of Success in Foster Parenting by John Beeson

There is a powerful beauty in beholding oneself in another.

Sep 4

Paul’s Strange Reason for Why We Should Be Generous by John Beeson

If we experience giving and generosity as fundamentally an obligation and a duty, we will never unlock the joy that God has for us in it.