Josiah Cox

Josiah A.R. Cox is a member of Trinity Baptist Church in New Haven, Connecticut. His poetry has been published in Fathom Magazine and is forthcoming in The Blue Mountain Review. He is currently an MAR candidate in Literature at Yale Divinity School, and the Managing Editor of LETTERS.

Nov 11

If the Birds Seem Enviable: Encouragements and a Prayer for Recent Graduates by Josiah Cox

Sometimes we must humble ourselves to receive a stale truth because it is the substance that will sustain us another day.

Jan 15

The Dog-Likeness of Christ by Josiah Cox

Tell me that God’s love doesn’t demand the willingness to lose everything and, in fact, does take quite a lot. 

May 9

Temptation’s Face by Josiah Cox

With whatever differences temptations present themselves, their effect is the same.