A Plea to Church Members: Give Your Pastor Grace
Series: Pastoral Ministry Collection
I tell you all of this to offer a simple plea in these strange times: give your pastor grace.

Be Faithful and Come What May
The church belongs to Him, and if we are following the calls in His Word, then we are being faithful.

The Irony of Holding a Grudge
Holding a grudge never ever results in what we think it will.

Pastor: You Are Appreciated
We know He gives the growth and thus gets the glory, but He does see you, and He will reward you.

An Old Church Building and a Reminder of Grace
It does not matter if we think we’re worth it; He thinks we are.

Pastor, This Isn’t a Competition
Pastor, this is not a competition. God loves you just as extravagantly in your failures as He does in your successes and He isn't comparing your ministry to the one across the street.

Worship According to Habakkuk
Worship should change us. If we are encountered by the same God Habakkuk speaks of, we will be transformed. We will leave different than we were when we came. If we aren’t transformed, we aren’t worshipping.