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Kaylee Freeman

Kaylee is an Administrative Assistant for Academic Services at Midwestern Seminary, where she and her husband Brandon are pursuing theological education. Kaylee recently graduated with a BA in English Education and seeks to write biblically sound and helpful material, specifically for women. The Freemans are members at Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, MO, where Kaylee co-teaches a theology class for women.

Jun 18

The Local Church and Its Role in Missions by Kaylee Freeman

We must be willing to be sent if that is God’s will for us, and if not, to give our lives to sending those whom God has called to go. 

Nov 27

Our Relationship With God: Rebellion or Redemption by Kaylee Freeman

Christ lovingly and graciously pardoned us from our rebellion and will one day welcome us into His heavenly kingdom to live with Him forever as His son or daughter.

Sep 25

3 Ways Self-Condemnation Steals Your Joy by Kaylee Freeman

Lay down the luggage of condemnation and kneel in worship at the feet of Him who bore your sins.

May 23

Jealous for His Time: The Wife of a Seminarian by Kaylee Freeman

I was bitter because theological education was stealing time I thought was due me. 

Nov 29

Yes, Go to Church on Christmas Day by Kaylee Freeman

Though gift-giving is special and can be done in a godly way, why would we want to miss this glorious time with our church family feasting on the joy of heaven in order to simply open earthly treasures?