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Keri Seavey

Keri Seavey, a Regular Contributor to For The Church, lives in Vancouver, Washington with her husband, Jeff, senior pastor and church planter at Living Water Community Church. They have four children, Tyler, Christian, Daniel and Anna. Keri has served in different ways through her years in ministry as a women’s ministry leader, Bible study teacher, biblical counselor, speaker, and writer who has blogged regularly for the Biblical Counseling Coalition and contributed articles for The Gospel Coalition.

Feb 19

Thankful for His Keeping by Keri Seavey

The gift hidden within difficult seasons is that we may see more clearly and understand more deeply our desperate need of His keeping. 

Jul 8

Run Your Race by Keri Seavey

I am running on a trail along a lake. I haven't run (or exercised) in months and so I really have to pace myself. But then she passes me. I don't even know who she is. All I know is she is about my age, she's wearing cute yoga pants and she just passed me.

May 21

How To Go On American Idol Without Becoming One by Keri Seavey

We cannot stop worshippers from worshipping. But we can redirect their gaze to the One who is truly worthy of worship.