Mothering My Child’s Spirit
I have said to my daughter, “In this house, we serve the Lord.” When I say it, I refer to the disposition of our home, whom we honor within its walls.
Made to Stand
The sins and evils here, the mysterious woods—I know this all must end with His glory and finally serve it.
Keeping Our Confidence in Christ
Jude’s letter is emphatic that Jesus Christ is our only Savior, a teaching all the more pronounced through Jude’s litany of the sorrowfully condemned.
Her Stillborn, Him Sovereign
Anguish and confidence met to form sonorous, singing agreement: our God in heaven is sovereign.
Meditations on Dust
Only knowing I am nothing can I see that He upholds my spirit when I fall—preserving me to the end
Women Wonderfully Different and So Very Similar
The beauty of each one’s service flowed from a humble love for the truth.
9 Spurgeon Quotes on Fear and Faith
A Christian’s confidence in fear is that God does exist as One who, of his own incomprehensible decision and grace, rewards those who seek him
A Well Lived Life
Can you be content to mirror many other days after today’s strains?
Cheerios, Transience, Sticky Fingers, and Righteousness
It’s easier to disengage altogether in the places we could engage well.
70 Prompts for Praising God
When we delight in You and want You, You never fail to give us what we want.