Mothering In The Midst of Failure
We can parent in the midst of failures knowing we are fully known by God and accepted fully through Christ.

Discernment in Marriage
This tension that we must keep in balance with God-given wisdom is really a call to be like Christ.

Man-Made Coverings
God's goal for us as his children is not to conform us to Christian culture, but to his Son.

The Identity Beneath Your Identities
Life transitions remind me that identity is a complex topic and not something that can be reduced to one or two things, like being a wife and mother. There are many layers that make up who we are, but the one most important layer is the foundation.

Theology is Meant to Help Us Love
Knowing who God is and how he interacts with us and his world will give us assurance in the wilderness of the soul.

The Commander, The Armor, and The Weapon Are One
We stand firm in battle, because we know the one who has won the war for us, and he is our greatest weapon.

Adversity Can Drive Our Affections to Christ
I didn't want to get married. But I knew I was turning away a gift from God . . .