Matt Capps

Matt Capps (M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, D.Min., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is Senior Pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Apex, North Carolina.  He is the author of Hebrews: A 12 Week Study.

Mar 25

Matt Capps on Pastors Reading Philosophy by Matt Capps

What kind of books should pastors read that they normally don’t?

Jul 1

Matt Capps on Transitioning to Pastoral Ministry by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations

Recently transitioning back into pastoral ministry, what do you feel prepared for this time around?

Apr 30

Matt Capps on Transitioning Back To Pastoring by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations

Recently transitioning back into pastoral ministry, what do you feel prepared for this time around?

Mar 11

Matt Capps on What A Church Needs From Its Pastor by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations

What is the one thing a church needs from its pastor?

Dec 24

Matt Capps on What The Church Needs From Pastors by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations

What is the one thing a church needs from its pastor?

Jun 13

Toward a Trinitarian Ecclesiology by Matt Capps

In the doctrine of the Trinity, the church is given a pattern for unity and participation in mission.

Mar 18

Matt Capps on What the Average Churchgoer Doesn’t Understand About Being a Pastor by Matt Capps asks Matt Capps, Senior Pastor of Fairvew Baptist Churchi in Apex, NC: "What’s something about being a pastor the average churchgoer doesn’t understand?​"​

Jan 16

Matt Capps on Racism in the 21st Century by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations

Why do we still have a problem with racism in the 21st century church?

Nov 27

Matt Capps on Why Expository Preaching is So Important by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations asks Matt Capps, Senior Pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Apex, North Carolina, "Why is expositional preaching as important today as it’s ever been?"

Oct 5

Matt Capps on Inter-Generational Discipleship by Matt Capps

Series: Conversations

What are some ways to develop inter-generational discipleship in a church?