Matt Chandler on Advice for Evangelicals Exhausted by Division
What advice would you give to Christians who feel exhausted by the division and discourse in today’s Evangelicalism?

Matt Chandler on Advice for Pastors on the Verge of Burnout
FTC.co asks Matt Chandler, lead pastor at The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas, “What advice would you give to a pastor on the verge of burnout?”

Matt Chandler on Cultivating a Healthy Marriage
Series: Conversations
How do you cultivate a healthy marriage in the midst of a busy ministry?

Matt Chandler on Church Growth & Pride
Series: Conversations
How do you lead a growing church without getting a big head?

Matt Chandler on Marriage and Ministry
Series: Conversations
How do you cultivate a healthy marriage in the midst of a busy ministry?

Matt Chandler on How a Church Can Know It’s on the Right Track
Series: Conversations
FTC.co asks Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor of The Village Church, "How can a church know its on the right track? What are some signs of faithfulness?"

Matt Chandler on Leading a Growing Church Without Getting a Big Head
FTC.co asks Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor at The Village Church, "How do you lead a growing church without getting a big head?"

Pursuing the Right Thing in Ministry
If your hope is set on anything other than Christ, how will you survive when ministry goes bad? And it will.