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Michael Malanga

Michael Malanga is the Senior Pastor of Christ Chapel, Cape Cod, MA. He earned an M. Div. & D. Min. at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Michael blogs at TheTravelersAdvisory.com, was a contributing editor for Job31 Ministries, and wrote a chapter on "The Four Loves: C.S. Lewis’ Theology of Love"  in Volume 4 of C.S. Lewis: Life, Works, & Legacy. Michael and his wife, Jill, have been married since 1981 and they have three children and four grandchildren.

Sep 7

Resolve to Live Wisely and Press On by Michael Malanga

Wise forgetfulness is the fruit of finding our identity in Jesus Christ. 

Jul 11

Pastor, Read Your (Paper) Bible by Michael Malanga

It is not nostalgia that prompts me to read the Bible on paper; it is the expectation of encountering on every page the God who wrote it.