Take in the Beauty
Series: Beholding and Becoming
God gives us these moments of beauty-noticing—slowing down and unplugging from a digital, deadline world—to wake us up to the mystery and the beauty inherent in all of life.

Ask Him For Joy
Come to Him – especially if you don’t feel joyful – and ask for joy from the Healer, the Care-giver, and the only One who can turn your sorrow into joy.

It’s OK to Be Sad
When it comes to suffering, avoidance and escape are our defaults. But there is an invitation to consider the trials in our lives as sources of joy.

Discerning Your Child’s Spiritual State
Parents should take comfort in the fact that the primary work of salvation in a child’s heart is the work of God.

Leading Kids Beyond ‘Praying the Prayer’
When it comes to our children's salvation, we must be careful that our eagerness does not overcome their readiness.

Four Reasons to Bring Your Bible to Church
Touching and handling a Bible anchors us physically to God’s gracious gift of the Bible itself.

Laying Aside a Crushing Weight
Christ invites us to freely approach the throne, but not to usurp it. He invites us to come as children, not as rebels.