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Nathan Johnson

Nathan Johnson is the Discipleship Pastor at Redeemer Church in Springfield, Missouri.

Apr 27

Preaching with Salt, Fat, Acid, and Heat by Nathan Johnson

Pastor, remain anchored to the text, prepare the meal, and dedicate yourself to feeding Jesus’ sheep with the Word of God for their good, and for his glory.

May 31

Ministering to Coworkers by Nathan Johnson

Consider the fact that God is shaping you and growing you as a person through your occupation.

Dec 11

The Crucible of Bivocational Ministry, Part 2 by Nathan Johnson

Here are four ways that bi-vocational ministry has been for me a crucible that God has used to refine me personally . . .

Dec 2

The Crucible of Bivocational Ministry, Part 1 by Nathan Johnson

I would like to share with you three ways that bi-vocational ministry has been for me a crucible that God has used to refine me pastorally.