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Philip Crouse Jr

Philip Crouse Jr was born in King, NC, where he continues to reside with his wife, Mandy, and their 4 children—Adalee, Bryce, Caris, and Everly. He is currently serving as pastor of Germanton Baptist Church in Germanton, NC. He is an adjunct professor in the Piedmont Divinity School of Carolina University. He has a PhD in Applied Theology in Preaching from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Jan 12

Don’t Skip the Hard Passages by Philip Crouse Jr

Approach it with humility, trust in the power of God’s Word, pray for God’s grace, and preach the hard passage!

Nov 5

Pastors, Beware of Pride by Philip Crouse Jr

Pastor, pride is dangerous. You are gifted and blessed by God for His glory, not yours.