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Robin D. Hadaway

Dr. Robin Hadaway is professor of missions at Midwestern Seminary, having given 18 years of missionary service with the International Mission Board. During that time, Dr. Hadaway was a pioneer church planter in North Africa and Tanzania, and he is a fluent speaker of Arabic, Swahili, and Portuguese. His 18 years with the IMB included administrative positions such as strategy coordinator, cluster leader, and finally Regional Leader for Eastern South America, with oversight of 300 missionary families in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. In his early years, Dr. Hadaway was an Air Force captain and pilot, stationed in Alaska and Nevada. He then became a senior pastor of churches in California and Arizona. Dr. Hadaway received the Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Doctor of Ministry from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, and the Doctor of Theology from the University of South Africa. He also pursued graduate work at Dallas Theological Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary. His undergraduate degree is from Memphis State University. He has played golf on three continents and is a native of Tallahassee, FL. He is married to the former Kathy Baze of Phoenix, AZ. They have three grown children.

May 20

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 3 by Robin D. Hadaway

After a year of teaching and a trip to Jerusalem by Paul and Barnabas to clarify the doc­trine of salvation concerning the Gentiles (commonly known as the Jerusalem Council), this almost 2-year-old church was ready to begin its mis­sion . . .

May 6

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 2 by Robin D. Hadaway

While we can't clone what is taking place in the biblical book of Acts, we can seek to learn its pattern.

Apr 27

Profile of a Church Planting Church, Part 1 by Robin D. Hadaway

The first thing we should say about a church-planting church is that it has been purified in the crucible of difficulty.

Mar 30

The 21st Century Missionary by Robin D. Hadaway

What is it really like on the mission field? What is it that a missionary actually does (or should do) on the mission field? Sometimes we have a mistaken idea of missionary life. We might think missionary families are surrounded by wild animals or are in danger from hostile tribes. This is not usually the […]