What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Rodney Harrison

Dr. Rodney A. Harrison provides oversight to Midwestern’s doctoral programs, extensions, online programs, and accreditation. Dr. Harrison is the author of four books and has written material for LifeWay Christian Resources, The Revitalizer, and several academic journals. Dr. Harrison holds the Bachelor of Arts degree from Dallas Baptist University, the Master of Arts in Christian Education and Doctor of Ministry in Mission Administration from Golden Gate Seminary. He has also pursued post-doctoral studies at Oxford University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He attends First Baptist Church, Kearney, Missouri. Dr. Harrison is an avid motorcyclist, outdoorsman and shooting sports enthusiast. He and his wife Julie have three grown children, Joshua, Cassandra, and Gabrielle. 

Jan 10

Thriving or Surviving: Making the Most of your Wages by Rodney Harrison

For those seeking to turn around a declining church, the challenge of paying the bills is often daunting.

Feb 27

Maturing in the Faith-One Decision at a Time by Rodney Harrison

Leaders who blindly accepting the lowest bid, hear just one side of a matter or fail to count the cost prior to making a decision fall into this trap of failing to get all of the facts.