Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work
Evangelism isn’t just for the “professionals”—pastors, ministers, Bible teachers, and all the rest.
What “Able to Teach” Means and Doesn’t Mean
Remember, pastor, God requires clarity, not cleverness; doctrinal fidelity, not rhetorical flourish.
3 Ways Baptism & the Lord’s Supper Ought to Shape our Monday through Saturday
Three ways the Bible shows us how the ordinances should shape our relationships with one another, both on Sundays and throughout the week.
Understanding Our True Citizenship
In local churches, converted men and women manifest God’s righteous rule and true political righteousness.
Why You Will Join the Wrong Church
Our relationships will ebb and flow, as will our affection for the church. But the solution is not always looking for a better fit.
Bad Biblical Theology Leads to Bad Sermons
Some redemptive-historical preaching can fall into the trap of saying the same thing week after week.