Samuel G. Parkison

Samuel G. Parkison (PhD, Midwestern Seminary) is Associate Professor of Theological Studies and Director of the Abu Dhabi Extension Site at Gulf Theological Seminary in the United Arab Emirates. Before coming to GTS, Samuel was assistant professor of Christian studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and pastor of teaching and liturgy at Emmaus Church in Kansas City. He is the author of Revelation and Response: The Why and How of Leading Corporate Worship Through Song (Rainer, 2019), Thinking Christianly: Bringing Sundry Thoughts Captive to Christ (H&E, 2022), and Irresistible Beauty: Beholding Triune Glory in the Face of Jesus Christ (Christian Focus, 2022).

Nov 1

What is Eschatology? by Samuel G. Parkison

Series: Theology in the Everyday

Editor’s Note: The Theology in the Everyday series seeks to introduce and explain theological concepts in 500 words or less, with a 200-word section helping explain the doctrine to kids. At For The Church, we believe that theology should not be designated to the academy alone but lived out by faith in everyday life. We […]

May 3

What is the Beatific Vision? by Samuel G. Parkison

Series: Theology in the Everyday

What makes heaven, heaven is that there we shall see the face of God. That blessed vision is the culmination of all our godly enjoyments in this life, and the satiation of all our desire.

Feb 13

Good Shame, Bad Shame, and Ugly Shame by Samuel G. Parkison

Christians should steer clear of this kind of wholesale antipathy for shame.

Apr 14

A Glorious Doctrine with a Silly Name: The Extra Calvinisticum and the Gospel by Samuel G. Parkison

In the incarnation, God reveals his Triune beauty for us in language we can understand. He communicates his astonishing beauty with human language, and with skin and bones, and he does this for our benefit.

Dec 2

When Home Hurts: A Book Review by Samuel G. Parkison

When Home Hurts is deeply pastoral and instructive in its application of distinct biblical impulses.

Sep 28

Celebrating the Beauty of Complementarity in Corporate Worship by Samuel G. Parkison

Here’s one way that our church seeks to celebrate the beauty of gender complementarity during our corporate worship gatherings.

Jun 3

More Than a Battle: A Book Review by Samuel G. Parkison

Joe Rigney’s recent book, More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust, is (tragically) necessary. Some might find such an assertion odd, given the plethora of similar books already in print. “Do we really need another book on overcoming lust and pornography?” The answer is simply that until we, as […]

Feb 25

Spirits in Bondage: A Book Review by Samuel G. Parkison

Series: Book Reviews

In this little collection of poems, we have the privilege of getting to know Lewis better. It is, in its way, a magnificent display of God’s saving grace.

Feb 23

FTC Preaching Guide: 2 Corinthians by Samuel G. Parkison

2 Corinthians is inspired by God, and preaching “the whole counsel of God” looks like preaching this book.

Dec 29

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: A Book Review by Samuel G. Parkison

Series: Book Reviews

This is not an apologetic work, nor is it a polemic, nor is it even a strategy for Christians in this age. It is rather an explanation.