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Scott Sauls

Scott Sauls is the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee and the author of the books Jesus Outside the Lines, From Weakness to Strength, and Beautiful People Don't Just Happen. He blogs regularly from his website at ScottSauls.com. Scott lives with his wife Patti and two daughters, Abby and Ellie, in Nashville.

Apr 20

Even Tolkien Felt Like a Failure by Scott Sauls

If only Tolkien had known then what we know now about his “unsuccessful” work. And if only we knew now what we will one day know about our own work and how it fits into God’s overall plan to save and heal the world.

Feb 27

The Scariest Thing Jesus Ever Said by Scott Sauls

As it is with the human body, so it is with faith: if the doctrinal “skeleton” is the only thing or even the main thing people can see when they look at our faith, it means either our faith is malnourished and sick, or it is dead.

Jan 4

How Guilt and Shame Can Bring Us Closer to God by Scott Sauls

Instead of running and hiding and creating masks with which to cover their nakedness, the Bible’s most exemplary saints shed their masks in favor of transparency and self-disclosure.

Dec 9

Jesus, the Nietzschean Superman, and the Christmas Miracle by Scott Sauls

What are we to make of the fact that a little child, versus some Nietzschean “Superman” (Ubermensch), is the one who will come to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found?

Oct 19

There is a Crack in Everything (Including Us) by Scott Sauls

And even our flaws and frailties and the acknowledgment thereof is a grace, a sign of God’s kingdom at work in us. As Leonard Cohen has said, “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

Sep 27

Surgeons of the Soul by Scott Sauls

I suppose what I’m trying to say here is that the “faithful wounds” God sometimes calls us to inflict on one another as mutual “surgeons of the soul”—always as with a healing scalpel and never as with an injurious sword—can sometimes create further relational strain.

Aug 24

Sometimes I Struggle With the Bible by Scott Sauls

As much as we can rejoice in, get inspired by, and find comfort in certain parts of the Bible, other parts will disturb us—namely, the parts that contradict our feelings, instincts, hopes, dreams, traditions, and cultural values.

May 3

Confessions of a Sometimes Restless Insomniac by Scott Sauls

Because the world is quiet in the middle of the night without the usual distractions of checklists, schedules, deadlines, meetings, interruptions, screens, and iThings, I also find myself wrestling with an inner dis-equilibrium in relation to God.

Dec 8

Sticks, Stones, and Words…Can Cut Me Deeply by Scott Sauls

Words transform. They heal. And they can…and sometimes do…“hurt me.”

Nov 10

Many Pastors Are Lonely…Must They Be? by Scott Sauls

Considering the collapse of my seven, famously isolated friends, I would rather risk transparency than risk the alternative. For the alternative, at least to me, seems like a much greater burden to bear.