Silas Thompson

Silas Thompson is married to his wife, Riley, and they have been married for three years. They have a 9-month old boy, Benaiah, who is amazing. He currently serves as a pastoral intern at Dover Baptist Church in Dover, NH. Prior to his current role, he served two years as a cross-cultural missionary in Mongolia. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Intercultural Studies from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO and am currently pursuing my MDiv in Christian Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC.

Sep 23

One-to-One Bible Reading in Missions by Silas Thompson

I first read David Helm’s book One to One Bible Reading: a Simple Guide for Every Christian, when I was preparing to serve in East Asia. I believe the approach to discipleship that Helm promotes in the book lends to missionary work. I think that there are a few ways that O2O is uniquely suited […]