Thoughts on Longevity
If we have conditioned our minds to think in the short-term only, we will find that most of ministry is not only unsatisfying, but deeply unsettling. We will find that we view ministry in the short-term as well.

How Luther Helped My Depression
I made it through that summer by reading the Psalms and dwelling on faith. It wasn’t my perfection or my knowledge that would please God. It wasn’t my works or my contributions that would earn God’s approval. It was only my faith.

Navigating the Preaching Rut
When I was growing up it was always a treat to be taken to the farm with my dad. I was less than helpful, but he graciously let me tag along and explore. It was on that old family farm that I first learned how to drive. My dad, often courageously, let me out into […]

Principles for Giving and Receiving Encouragement to the Preacher
How much do you think your preaching influences your people? We know the biblical answer. Preaching is God’s ordained means of communicating the truths of scripture and the gospel to His people and the world. But on a personal level, how much do you think your preaching is influential? Most pastors will never stand before […]

Unforeseen Benefits of Expository Preaching
We are a people who want to walk through and consider every verse of Scripture.

God Delights in the Gospel
The proof of God’s delight in saving sinners is the investment of His Son on the cross for our redemption even when we had nothing to offer Him.

For The Love Of The Church
Sacrifice is the first act of true love for the church because this is how Christ loved the church.

What Church Discipline Taught Me About Our Church
We needed to hold up the honor of Christ and the standard of repentant holiness while also showing love and patience to the wayward members.