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Taylor Cain

Taylor Cain is graduate of Arkansas Tech University Journalism (B.A) and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv in Preaching and Pastoral Studies), where he is currently pursuing a Master in Biblical Counseling. Cain is the Director of Student Ministry at Liberty Baptist Church in Kansas City, Mo. He is married to Callie and they have one daughter. He is a contributor to servantsofgrace.org

Feb 9

High Schoolers Can Be Church Members, Too by Taylor Cain

Fellow student pastors and ministers, charge your high school students to commit themselves to the local church now.

Jun 10

Five Ways Congregational Worship Shapes Us by Taylor Cain

Though we should seek Him in our closets or a quiet place during the week, he has commanded us to gather together as the church on Sunday morning. 

Nov 1

Self-Hatred and Sanctification by Taylor Cain

Sometimes sanctification can feel frustrating, unfair, or useless. But God knows how to care for His children and to bring them to see Him as our superior satisfaction.

Jul 13

3 Reasons to Give Away Our Books by Taylor Cain

Christians who are building personal libraries should be utilizing these resources for the purpose of being conformed to the image of Christ and helping others to follow suit.

Feb 21

Five Things to Consider Before Pursuing Theological Education by Taylor Cain

If you want to consider theological education, you must first consider if you are in Christ at all.