Leaving and Cleaving to the Local Church
Lore Ferguson Wilbert writes, "God does not promise earthly marriage to us, but He does promise family to us, and the Church itself is God’s promise of marriage and a family."
How to Get Your Mind Back on Track
The Gospel informs the way that we think and the Bible "has provided you a track switcher." It is a process to give God the lordship he deserves over our minds, and this post by Jon Bloom helps us get there.
In this piece, Tish Hedger encourages the reader "to pursue healing and wholeness in the land of the living," which means not just surviving another day, but seeking to be made well in Jesus.
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Helping the Hurting
Most of us have walked alongside a friend who has endured hurt. We often struggle to find the words to comfort them. Dave Furman gives us three mistakes we might be making, and three better solutions to love the hurting.
Tent-Making is Not Second-Class
"If we are called to be a pastor or missionary, that is a high calling and should be applauded. If we are called to be a business leader, a teacher, a homemaker, or an assembly-line worker, that is also a high calling deserving of equal applause. As God’s redeemed people, we are called to live ordinary lives in ordinary places as bold witnesses of an extraordinary gospel."