Here are the top ten most-read entries at FTC this year, in descending order.
1. "God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle" by R.D. McClenagan
2. "Letter from a Concerned Church Member" by Jared C. Wilson
(You may also want to read the follow-up post: "Dear Concerned Church Member")
3. "Why A 'Paper' Bible is Better Than A Bible App At Church Meetings" by Steve Burchett
4. "Why We Sing With the Lights On" by Ronni Kurtz
5. "Why You Will Join the Wrong Church" by Sam Emadi
6. "Church Discipline Brought Me Home" by Andrea Burke
7. Matt Chandler on Sermon Prep – Video
8. "4 Reasons Every Pastor Should Exercise" by Chad Ashby
9. "Rely on God's Word, Not on Techniques" by Andy Davis
10. "The Un-Millennial Church" by Cole Deike