Links For The Church (3/5)

by Staff March 4, 2018

How Would You Counsel Someone Interested in Assisted Suicide?

Matthew Arbo answers this question through a Biblical ethic. He explains that our lives belong to God, and this must be the framework that we work from when counseling people in our churches through this decision.

5 Ways to get the Most Out of a Book

In this practical piece, Bruce Ashford gives four ways to read and understand non-fiction books. 

Don't Be a 9Markist

For those that align themselves with 9Marks' beliefs, this post by Jonathan Leeman encourages people to, "not be a church leader who abuses authority."

5 Friends Every Pastor Needs

Matt Sliger gives encouragement for pastors to make sure that they have these five different friends "for the purpose of encouragement and for the purpose of growth."

How to Avoid Living a Fragmented Life

"To be sure, sin is still at work in us to draw us away from this gift of wholeness, but sin does not rule over us as it did once before." -Scott Redd

7 Ways to Work Hard at Rest

Gavin Ortlund gives practical advice for people in busy seasons and how they can pursue godly rest even when opportunities aren't prevalent. 


How does God's Word impact our prayers?

God invites His children to talk with Him, yet our prayers often become repetitive and stale. How do we have a real conversation with God? How do we come to know Him so that we may pray for His will as our own?

In the Bible, God speaks to us as His children and gives us words for prayer—to praise Him, confess our sins, and request His help in our lives.

We’re giving away a free eBook copy of Praying the Bible, where Donald S. Whitney offers practical insight to help Christians talk to God with the words of Scripture.