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Apr 2

An Invitation to Expectation by Brandon D. Smith

Acts 2:42-47. A bunch of normal folks, like you and me, praying, eating, and worshiping together. It’s not much different than my church’s community groups that meet around the Dallas/Fort Worth area together. It’s a relief, a needed calm. And yet it isn’t calm at all . . .

Jan 4

Of Jerks and Seminarians by Samuel G. Parkison

It’s entirely possible to be absolutely unwavering on convictional truth matters and still give people the expectation to receive love and compassion from you.

Nov 7

Is Your Household in Order? by Jason K. Allen

As pastors, we don’t want our ministry pursuit to become a weighty expectation for our family where they are more actors than people, living in a legalistic bubble of religious decorum.

Jul 11

Pastor, Read Your (Paper) Bible by Michael Malanga

It is not nostalgia that prompts me to read the Bible on paper; it is the expectation of encountering on every page the God who wrote it. 

Feb 22

Praying Specifically by Bryan Elliff

What if we walked into every day with the expectation that God hears and answers specific prayer?

Oct 14

College Ministry Needs Biblical Theology by Nathan Williams

These two young Christian women were nearing the end of their undergraduate degrees. Neither had a job lined up after graduation or any expectation of a "ring by spring," which at their Christian college validates the whole school-debt-without-a-job situation. They had a look in their eyes that said "life is getting way too real."

May 6

Links For The Church (5/6) by Staff

This week's links include resources on pastors resting, emotionally healthy leaders, the dangers of media, if God can suffer, and praying with expectation. 

Dec 20

Expect Hope by Allyson Howell (Todd)

Hope came at an ugly price – the God-man slain for heinous crimes He did not commit. 

Mar 29

Gospel-Centered Preaching by Ross Ferguson

While attending Heriot Watt University I took a public speaking class. The course led students to produce and effectively deliver a public speech on any given subject. A well-crafted and excellently delivered speech can certainly produce results; at the very least an applause would be warranted. Although a response is given it is usually short […]

Sep 16

Keeping a Close Watch: On Cultivating and Maintaining Godliness in Pastoral Ministry by Joseph Lanier

In March 2020, the world was rocked by COVID, its physiological consequences, and the compounded political upheaval that was already present in the country. At the time, I was not yet voted in as an elder at Emmaus but was in the applicant stage. So, I was in conversation with the elders on a few […]
