What does the gospel have to do with pastoral ministry? Is there a particular way to pastor that is gospel-centered? Sign up today for a free online conversation with Jared C. Wilson and Jared Bumpers to discuss gospel-centered ministry.


Bryan Elliff

Bryan Elliff is a writer and speaker with Christian Communicators Worldwide. Drawing on undergraduate and graduate studies in Bible backgrounds and Biblical languages, he is thankful for opportunities to teach and train Christ’s church both in the US and overseas. Bryan also lives and ministers in Kansas City, MO, in connection with his church, Christ Fellowship of Kansas City. He is married to Joey and they have two sons, Lucas and Zion.

Jul 29

Should Christians Pursue the Arts? by Bryan Elliff

When experience is linked with right actions and right ideas, something occurs that is truly honoring to God

May 2

Rebuilding Our Churches with Bible Reading by Bryan Elliff

Ask for God’s wisdom and strength and do your part in the lives of those you might influence.

Mar 6

Faith for What’s Too Much by Bryan Elliff

There are a myriad of things the Lord is calling us to do as a body and a myriad more he is calling you to do as an individual. And most of them are uncomfortable.

Feb 21

Do You Have A Camel In Your Throat? by Bryan Elliff

We take the things that are good for the Christian life, some of which God even requires of us, and give them unhealthy focus. 

Jan 25

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit by Bryan Elliff

It is not enough just to be spiritually needy; we must recognize it, also.

Jan 10

Jesus Died a Hero? by Bryan Elliff

In his self-sacrifice, Jesus shows us the greatest expression of great love by laying down not only his life, but his reputation also.

Nov 28

How to Become a Christian by Bryan Elliff

Deciding to get on board with Jesus is a simple decision, but it’s also a major one with some crazy implications.

Oct 1

Less Lecture, More Learning: Ideas For A Better Sunday School Hour by Bryan Elliff

What if we all could get as much out of it as the teacher? What if we could all experience that process of learning together?

Sep 20

The Church Commute: Why Where You Live Matters by Bryan Elliff

Is our body life suffering because all of its parts live so far away?

Jul 22

Like Those Who Dream: An Imagination of the New Creation by Bryan Elliff

Isaiah and the book of Revelation help us to connect the exile and restoration of Jerusalem with the brokenness and restoration of the world.